In a previous episode of Focus on Elder Law we discussed Caregiver Agreements and how they can help define an aging parents wished and put in writing the responsibilities and expectations of each family caregiver.
But what happens when those responsibilities fall to a single family member?
An Estate Plan can help protect a family caregiver from accusations of unfair treatment by other family members. Maybe mom wants to leave you a special gift in her will or a larger portion of her estate as acknowledgement of all the help and work you did while caring for her. An Estate Plan puts these wished in writing so the family can’t object to these wishes down the road.
In essence, the Estate Plan helps protect a family caregiver from accusations from other family members and helps eliminates the impression of favoritism and unfair distribution of an estate.
Listen to Sheri discuss all these points in this week’s episode of Focus on Elder Law on WSBB Radio. If you need your Estate Plan to include a caregiver agreement or special language relating to your caregiver, give Sherri a call at 386-271-4740 to schedule a consultation appointment today!