Hometown Legal Support For Florida Families

Firm News

Why bring in a business partner? 

While many gifted entrepreneurs start out on their own, the majority of successful companies have a hierarchy and structure behind them. Your business means the world to you, and it can be difficult to accept that you need some help or that others could add value. ...

Passing down the family business

Part of your dream of owning your own business was knowing it could support your family now and into the future. You knew then that you wanted a family member to take over when you retire or pass away. Making a business part of your estate plan takes careful planning....

Can Fraud Make a Contract Unenforceable?

The Misrepresentation Defense in Contract Litigation Imagine you and your colleague decide to go into a small business venture together, which all seemed a good idea at the beginning. You sign a contract with your colleague that he had put together. Things go well for...
