On this episode of Focus on Elder Law, Sherri and Ammie discuss why the rise of the Covid Delta Variant highlights the need to have your final wishes in order. They answer some of the following questions:
- What happens if you don’t have your Advance Directives in place?
- Who makes your healthcare decisions when you can’t and you haven’t designated someone to do so?
- Who handles your finances when you haven’t given someone Power of Attorney?
- What happens if you become permanently incapacitated without designating someone to handle your affairs and healthcare decisions?
- How do you get started making these designations so they are taken care of in the event you need them in the future?
If you need to set up your Advance Directives, give Akin Law and call at 386-518-2215. The process only takes a short time and you will have the piece of mind that everything is in order should it be needed.